Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tomorrow Baby Comes Home! & Various other things....

Well she isn't really a baby. She is my baby though. I am sure she had a blast! I cannot wait to hear from her as for tonight is her last night with Aunt Nette and Grammy. And because it is her last night, today they are going to do something special and go to a water park!

She has been a busy bee! As for Charly and I this past weekend went to the movies (Yes, I admit it, we saw the new Harry Potter movie) and had supper out - and on Sunday - We had a wonderful drive up into the mountains.

School starts for her again on August 9th. Just three weeks from now. She is a second grader. I can't believe time has gone by that fast! Seems like just yesterday we were walking he in to Kindergarten.

And summer is shorter now too.It seems she JUST had ended her school year. They sure don't give the kids as much time for summer break as they used too. At least that is how it seems to me; but then, I really have no concept of time. I loose days here gain days there... I thought this past Friday was the end of July!

But I don't want to talk about time. Time make me thing of age and then my lowly demise. LOL

Let me tell you about a dream I had a couple nights ago it was kinda strange...

I was in a hall at an apartment complex and the rug runners were red Persian type - you could still see the wood floor on each side. An old man was coming up to me and he said "she isn't here, she is in the room downstairs."

So I turned around and went down the stairs into a room that looked like a basement that had been converted to a function room... there were several older women sitting around one of the long tables and I asked them if Mary was there. They said they didn't know but "try going out that door" is what one said.

So out that door, it was a house screen door and as I stepped out I saw a pair of yellow shoes outside the door. I dream in Technicolor or Panatone what ever so when I stepped out of the house everything was black and white except for those shoes. I was in someone's back yard! I walked to the side of the house to move the fence gate to get out. I had to move some weeds and an old bicycle. I finally was able to move it out enough that I could get through - and everything was washed in light pastels!

Once through the gate, and there was a lady there giving out samples of something. (I think at this point hubs had the TV on because the samples were for hydrolize y'all know those commercials LOL) She gave me a sample to try and it was amazing but the sample was small I asked her if I could have another and she said no, but the full size bottle only cost $1,000! I said no thank you, and I started to walk away and when I looked back she was under an umbrella thing with a table of this stuff and doing a "presentation" like a home party.

I was then standing on the sidewalk a few houses down from where I grew up (until age 11) I was looking around and remembering our house and the house next to it kinda - that was the policeman's house.

There was no one around or about. It was very quiet; then I heard them - the children playing... it was a wonderful sound! I started to walk down the road in the middle of the road - for some reason. On my right was a little boy playing jacks or some thing and I said, "Hello there". He looked at me then went back to playing jacks.

I walked some more down the street and I saw two little girls playing jump rope and I asked if I could play too. I told them,"I used to be able to play double dutch, but I can't do it anymore." The girls looked at me and didn't say anything.

I heard a boy's voice from some where say "I wish I had some candy" then a boy on a bicycle rode up next to me. He was wearing jeans and a horizontal striped shirt and his hair was not messy, but looked like it was just combed after a shower. I went into my handbag and gave him 3 dollars and said,"there now, that should buy you lots of candy!", and the boy took it and road away.

Then two police men came up and asked me if I knew that kid and I said "Yes, that was a boy from the neighborhood and I just gave him money for candy."
Usually I dream seeing myself in 3rd person not through my own eyes but this dream was a through my own eyes dream. I felt I was dressed in a 1950s style outfit and had on the gloves and a hat too.

The dream ended there because hubs woke me up. He was almost ready to head out for work.

Dream interpretation anyone?

Now isn't that a very strange dream? And what is more weird is that I didn't write the dream down anywhere and I remember all that today and the dream I had was over a week ago! Now it is down for posterity.

My fingers are telling me it is time to stop typing... they hurt, stupid Fibro. )&*@%#!

Hasta Pasta!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sad Mommy

I am a sad mommy today - and will be until my baby comes back from Florida. She is on Vacation with out me! For the first time in her young life she is several hundred miles away from me! She is having a blast with Grammy and Aunt Nette! She calls us every evening to let us know how her day was.

Today She and Grammy had a trip to the Gardens and looked at flowers and fish then this night she went to the movies with Aunt Nette.

She is on the phone right now with daddy telling him about the movie and what she is going to do tomorrow. Tomorrow is BEACH DAY!

Pop pop is wandering around missing her really bad, too. I need to come up with something for he & I to do during the day. Do you think I can get away with sidewalk chalk? lol I know I am too big for the play area at Chic-fil-a! lol

Shhh don't say anything but I think the cats miss he too! They just won't tell me. Silly cats!

That's all for now. Time to finish watching "Deadily Catch" a Autumn calls it!

Hasta Pasta!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hi everyone! *Waves* - note - this post has no real point or direction. Just what is going through my brain!

Ready for a post that is all over the place? If so, read on!

I have backed off playing 2nd life every day. I go in now maybe once a week. My Psychiatrist said 2nd life is good for me because of being in the house with out a way to go anywhere - It is a place where I can have socialization with adults. I was playing SL every day for over 10 hours a day.

I realized that was WAY too much time to be in a virtual world no matter how much socialization there was. The most important socialization in my life is my family and I was kinda letting that slip a bit.

**If you have been reading me here or my Dakk Mcdunnough Facebook page, you can skip this whole section... just giving info on my wreck and what has happened to me since them**

I have a lot of work to do on myself. Some of you know I was in a bad car accident in 2000. I am not missing any limbs but I have a lot of internal problems and a small brain injury. I have had a constant headache since the car accident and it spikes to a migraine 2-3 times a week.

I have Fibromyalgia, Occipital Neuralgia, torn disk at L5, no curve in my neck or back (the muscles and tendons are pulled really tight) and my Atlas (top bone in the spine) touches the skull pinching important nerves up there.

My left arm is completely numb, I can use it but I have diminished feeling in the whole thing from the shoulder down - EMG showed definite damage. And my whole face is numb too. That is kinda upsetting because now I cannot drink adult beverages and tell when I have had enough. Numb face used to be my indicator! LOL I am on pain medicine and muscle relaxants to take care of the torn disk and muscle spasams - I am also on Maxalt 10mg with 18 pills a month. We have tried everything to try to stop the headaches but nothing worked. I even had to give myself shots.

It has also done a number on my emotional and mental health as well. I have battled Depression on and off since high school and college - to the point I would hide from everyone. I have been to see a psychiatrist (No I am not ashamed of this fact. I am proud I made the decision to see one - knowing there is a problem is always the first step in fixing said problem) I have been diagnosed with Bipolar Mix meaning I do have mood swings sometimes 10 times a day or one end will last over 2 weeks - the mix part is that symptoms from each end over lap each other. The psychiatrist and psychologist think I may have some PTSD from the accident as well.

I am on so many medications I cannot remember all the names. Suffice it to say we are trying to find a way to reduce the number of meds instead of adding more to treat symptoms instead of the problems. So far we have removed one med from the routine. Thank GOD! Topamax is now HISTORY. YEA!!

And yes I am in counseling. I am not ashamed to admit it. It is helping too. But I am still crazy. lol

I am in a lot of pain - a lot of depression - I cannot work but I am trying to muddle through. I keep trying and that is the important thing.

**OK, end of my accident history lesson**

Mid Life Crisis? I have been thinking about Age a lot lately. Who would have guessed I would have a child at 39. She is 7 now. I think OMG when she is 17 I will be 56. When she is 27 I will be 66. I don't feel that old. 1983 was just yesterday. How can those songs be Golden Oldies?? I definitely do not look 46. I am carded all the time, even to buy lotto tickets. I tell everyone it is the Fat - it holds the wrinkles out! or I say it is the preservatives in the food! (I am not as fat as I was so no jokes about my weight again please).

This time, I am embracing the fact that I do not fit into any group. I am a very out of the box person. Lets say THERE IS NOT BOX. I let my creativity come out! I relish saying stupid things and making puns! I am 46 year old body with a 30 year old soul.

I am at a mid point in my life where I feel like I am fresh out of the one year at Alma College. I am the 25 year old dancing and singing with the band or taking the band on a trip down the river! I am discovering creativity in me I never knew I had. I dance in the rain! Sing at the top of my lungs even though I am not as good a singer as I was in High School. I make up funny accents and talk in them all day long. I will take a day and everything will have to rhyme! Or I will sing everything in Opera style.

I am actually at the beginning of my life! Yes I have health problems - but I can still have fun. I can be a mom - a wife - and a friend. A crazy cat lady too.

I find humor in everything, even the trying times. We may have some hard times - but we pray though them as well as fill the house with laughter.

I am blessed with wonderful friends! Some I cannot visit as much I want as they live in Florida (Babsie)or in Japan (Naoko) some are in Second Life. Some live here in Dahlonega or in Dawsonville (Theresa). Some I am just getting to know - like hubs friends from College and his youth - and his family, and some I am finding in those whom I thought disliked me from High School.

I married a wonderful guy who we both laugh that we have the same brain density. We say things at the same time, finish each others sentences, and while he comes up with movie lines for every situation, I come up with song lyrics!

I am unique. I am blessed. I have all of you!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

As Promised - The Pork Chop Story! Written Last year

Ditzy Dorky Dakk Did Dang Dumb Dive

Dahlonega, GA
June 6, 2010

Dakk McDorkDork (Note: name changed to protect the stupid) fell over the side of her mountain today chasing after flying pork chops.

Today about 11am Eastern time Dakk's Father in Law (FIL) forgot to take the frozen package of pork chops with him downstairs with him to his apartment for preparation for Tuesday night's supper.

Dakk walked out on the deck and said FIL asked her to toss the pork chops down to him. Dakk entered her house and picked up the said packaged of pork chops and returned to the deck and asked her FIL "are you sure about this?" to which he replied, "Sure, just hold the package flat and let it go."

Dakk, being the dutiful Daughter In Law that she is, followed his directions and let the frozen pork chops drop. They bounced of FIL's hands and went down the mountain side. Dakk, in a hurry to keep her FIL, who has a heart condition, from exerting himself, ran to the front porch, threw on her sneakers and went to the side of the mountain where the paving stone steps were. Or so she thought they were there but covered with some leaves.

Unfortunately, the steps were washed down the mountain from all the rain Dahlonega received in the last few months. All that was there were the leaves. Dakk McDorkDork's sneakers had no traction and down the mountain she slipped then she tumbled and then rolled down the mountain ending up where the paving stones were deposited.

FIL climbed down the hill to pick up the pork chops anyway, but he was unable to help her climb back up. She did make back up to the house though where her 6 year old daughter, Autumn, was very relived to see her.

When asked about her mommy's fall she quipped, "That was funny!"

Besides various scrapes, scratches, bruises and bumps, she is suffering from a bad sense of humor.

Ms. McDorkDork is currently at home recovering from her injuries. The pork chops are sentenced to supper with out chance of parole. Maybe some mac and cheese though.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Grayling and the one thing I am really sad about (please make sure you read to the end please) :-)

Grayling, Michigan. I was not born there. My life started out in the lower part of the State.  Oh what a kid I was, in both places - it was like I was two completely different kids.

Two different kids...

Before I moved I was a very outgoing child, loud and boisterous.  Such an outgoing child that with friends all around the neighborhood. An Extrovert, even at the age of 5 standing on a coffee can in my grandparents house telling everyone after I finished singing a song, "Now clap for me!"

I moved to Grayling in 1976. I was just 11 years old. It doesn't sound so bad but at age 11 peer groups are already formed.  I did not fit into any of them. My sister Lynette did not have such trouble fitting in as when we moved she was only in 3rd grade.

What happened next wasn't anyone's fault; it was just a combination of not fitting into any peer group, I was the new kid and a overweight one at that so I was an easy target for teasing.

The names I allowed people to call me (remember "Fat Anne?" or people singing "I feel the earth move under my feet" when I walked by? LOL It is funny now looking back!) I accepted those names. I never stood up for myself.

At that point in my life the me who was the extroverted child became the overly introverted, hardly saying anything. Sometimes, not even saying a word all day unless a teacher asked a question of me.

You know what. It was my fault. No one elses'. I never allowed anyone to know the REAL me.  LOL How could I? I didn't know the real me!

It took my moving away and working in a BAR to get me to start talking again. I even joined a band for a short period in my life. YES I was a singer in a band!

So that is it... the one thing I am really sad about - the fact I didn't have the chance for anyone in Grayling to know the REAL me. 

I hope that by my Facebook and my blog that YOU (even if you are not from GHS) will get to know me too.

And also Dakk part of me too. Oh yes I forgot to tell you ---My nick name is Dakk - Long internet story but it has been my gaming internet name has been Dakk for over 10 years - in various forms. Latest is Dakk McDunnough in Second Life.  I am also waiting for the new Star Wars Online game to come out... I will share Dakk and her blog and Facebook and flickr with you if you ask nicely. LMAO

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hello! I am Anne Marie (Waggoner) Elias!

Welcome! This is the first post in my new blog! 

Most people know me as Dakk McDunnough. I want people to get to know the real me as well so I have started this blog to separate the human me from the Second Life - internet me. 

I love to write and so I do write about all the crazy things that happen to me. And believe me, some pretty crazy things happen! 
I have a blog for Dakk McDunnough as well. She writes about things that go on in Second Life. I have a couple stories there that I will bring over here. Look for my story about the flying pork chops. It should be the next post. :-)

With that - I once again welcome you to my crazy life! 
You can find me on Facebook too - Anne Marie (Waggoner) Elias.  

See you all soon!